Perfect smooth hair free skin awaits,

but you may have a few questions,
Below  is an informational guide
that should help to answer
those for you,but please feel free
to call us ...........610 360 690

The Brazilian technique has gained in popularity and involves removal of most hair from the bikini area, leaving only a small strip of hair or nothing.


 What is a Brazilian bikini wax?


This is a very intimate type of waxing and will  be performed after careful consultation.  How closely you trim, shave or wax your pubic hair is a personal preference. You should do whatever makes you comfortable, whether it's a bare look, a more natural look, or something in between.



How long does Brazilian Bikini waxing take?


Depending on the density of the hair growth, your waxing appointment will take approximately 20-60 minutes.


How long will the results last?


The results can last between 2 and 6 weeks depending on the individual’s hair re-growth rate.  With regular waxing the length of time between treatments will increase.  Continued waxing results in sparse hair re-growth .


What is the procedure for Brazilian bikini waxing?

To begin, we make sure the area is clean, it will help avoid irritation or infection. Also you need to try to relax and breathe as much as possible.  Next, your legs will be positioned just so,  and then wax is applied a little at a time.  The hair is removed and the procedure continues.  The wax is made for sensitive skin, so it's great for bikini/Brazilian waxing.   After the hairs are removed, a first-aid solution is applied to help soothe the area.  You might be  a little pink and sensitive the rest of that day, but should be fine the next.  Depending on how sensitive you are. 

What are the possible side effects of waxing?

Most clients do not experience reactions beyond redness and minor irritation. Please follow these guidelines to minimize irritation:


           DON'T go in the sun immediately after waxing and wear sunscreen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun, and sunburn.

DON'T use any fragranced products for 24 hours.

             DON'T  go in saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours, due to possible bacterial infection.

               DON'T use exfoliating products or loofahs for at least 24 hours after waxing. After that, it is important to exfoliate, regular exfoliation may be helpful, especially on leg and bikini areas to help avoid bumps and ingrowns.

DON'T wear tight clothing after waxing.

Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation, sensitivity and hair. Products are available that can be applied topically to avoid in-grown hairs and bumps 

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